Friday, July 30, 2010

Pre-week Done

Woo Hoo I finished week one.... no wait.. I finished pre-season....

After a week of team building and group discussions and a little bit of room preparation I'm feeling all touchy-feelied out. (I'm also working on making up new words) We've been doing lots of setting up school "norms" and ice breaker activities. Without divulging too much I will state that I now know more than I anticipated knowing about my co-workers.

We ended out week with not quite enough classroom time, and an all staff BBQ. My principal, besides being a lover of fine wines, was very excited to have us all over at his house. There was plenty of potluck food, wine and a rousing game of Pin the Eye Patch on the Pirate (our mascot) with aforementioned alcohol of course. And true to form I won.

Staff gatherings are always a bit odd. This group is no exception, except that we are already quite close, having no qualms about razzing each other. I made the comment a few nights ago, at the after orientation social in which the first round was funded by the aforementioned principal, that every group has it's cliques. However in this group, I never seemed to know who I was going to find myself talking to next. I'm making friends with people I originally didn't think would I have anything in common with. (I'm usually so good at stereotyping people too)

As for my classroom, I will be returning this weekend for some final touches, of course only after I head to the nearest teacher supply store and pick up some more supplies. I have a feeling I should get the frequent buyer club cards.... my work is never done.

I am quite exhausted and anticipating, and fearing Monday, however I will leave you with these words of wisdom that were given to me:

"Treat your first day, heck your first week, like the first day of summer camp... we'll fit in the academics later."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

*yawn* I think its time for sleep.

I'm going to try to keep this short and sweet...

I'm tired.

I have chairs now, and after a brief potential fiasco involving those nasty desks from our childhood that came with chairs attached, I have re-secured my hand-me-down, rickety, gum covered desks. I also managed to "borrow" my other grade level teacher's syllabus and schedule for week one. Still have no books, or a room key, but at least there is progress.

And even though they aren't likely to ever read, or know the existence of this blog I want to give a shout out to the maintence crew at school. The two gentlemen have been invaluable and have gone out of their way for me. I am most enthusiastically grateful.

There is much more to say but my brain is fried and my eyelids have thier own agenda. This blog comes during my first and only time I've had all day to sit and reflect.

The habit of late night posting is an occurance I am not happy about. According to the clock I have just under 8 hours until I need to get up and do it all over again... But as a teacher reminded me today: this is a job I chose and I'm happy to be doing it. As tired as I am, I am in a place and time where I have no desire to be anywhere else. (Except maybe a nice beach resort)

Good Night!

Monday, July 26, 2010

I'm supposed to have desks right?

First day jitters!

The good news: everyone is great. There are a LOT of like minded people on campus. For those that have taken the True Color Test, us "Oranges" have the majority by almost half. Which means we are a bunch of movers and shakers, risk takers and spontanious, perhaps to a fault. (I highly recommend the test for a quick look at your personality type, it helps in the work place and potentially in any relationship where youa re attempting to communicate and get things accomplished. Read my type and you'll see the resemblances immediately.)

Now for the not so good news....

My classroom is.. empty. And no i don't mean that in the clean wallk and no graffiti kind of way. I mean no tables, or chairs, or desks, or maps, or those cool overhead screens that roll down, or books or anything. A completely blank slate. Imagine teh way a new house looks before you move in but add a pink bookshelf, a bathroom sink, and blinds with pink trim. (i'm not exxagerating)

Well as I do I quickly made friends with the girl who gets things done. (she used to work with grizzleys in Alaska and yes she knew teh Grizley Man.) Together (armed with the principal's key (ause I still don't have one) we traveled to the highschool's side of campus and proceeded to raid thier storage closet, all the while chanting my new mantra "it is asier to beg forgivness thant o ask permission." Well I guess the principal became a little worried about what sort of mischief I would get up to when he saw teh two of us (in dress clothes no less) pushing a 10-foot-long cart with 2 tables and 8 desks across campus, because before I left today teh janitor had stocked my room with 20 more desks and a teacher's desk (complete with drawers). yay for getting things done! I got a few freebees from so otehr teaches as well, including a (as in singular) student textbook.

I am really excited and mostly over the jitters, at least for this week. As far as next week goes I'm hoping to steal as much as i can (information this time) from the other teacher at my grade level and just hope I can get through the first day.

I got home tonight, loded up the vehicle with boxes of supplies (the ones I kept from the donations last year) and tomorrow I'm sporting jeans and flip-flops so that I can climb on desks properly and start the process of making my room look, well like an actual classroom. For those local enough to help, I'll take any man hours you want to donate. Maybe I'll even find chairs tomorrow for you to rest in.

As for me: I'm off to sleep. It's going to be a long week, the first of many i'm sure.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Here We Go Again

New job, new classroom, new students, new blog... so, what else is new?

Monday I start training for my new position. I figured it was time to reopen the blog so that I can once again recount the trials and tribulations that such a position entails. Thank you to all of those that have be commenting and waiting patiently for my return to blogging... this blog is for you.

The Details:
I've accepted a position teaching a 7th grade Social Studies class, rather classes. I've returned to civilization and will be enjoying the unique experience of living and working near my social circle. Ahh refreshing. Hopefully having the friends and family close by will be a nice change of pace from the seclusion of my previous semester. (For those that missed my previous blog feel free to check it out and catch yourselves up. However you may want to make sure you are sitting down and not actively drinking anything for fear it will make its way into your nasal cavities. You've been warned. Surviving Year One: A Teacher's Life )

Completely honestly I'm a bit nerved out about this new position. A new job is unnerving enough, and teaching is one of those few jobs where you are left much to your own devices. As much as I hate the CA standards, I also value them... they are the only real pacing guide I have to what a student is "supposed to be learning." History is a big subject, I mean where do I begin? I had a friend recently tell me he wished he knew then what he knows now. I asked what he meant and his reply was: "If I only knew how freaked out my teachers were about teaching my class..." Scary but true. I keep waiting for the Candid Cameras and for someone to say something like "ha just kidding you aren't allowed to teach these young people."

Now that I've secured your faith in my abilities...

Training starts tomorrow. A week of staff bonding, general policies, team building, cooperative planning, 6th grade orientation and classroom set up is in store. I'm still trying to figure out what to wear.