Woo Hoo I finished week one.... no wait.. I finished pre-season....
After a week of team building and group discussions and a little bit of room preparation I'm feeling all touchy-feelied out. (I'm also working on making up new words) We've been doing lots of setting up school "norms" and ice breaker activities. Without divulging too much I will state that I now know more than I anticipated knowing about my co-workers.
We ended out week with not quite enough classroom time, and an all staff BBQ. My principal, besides being a lover of fine wines, was very excited to have us all over at his house. There was plenty of potluck food, wine and a rousing game of Pin the Eye Patch on the Pirate (our mascot) with aforementioned alcohol of course. And true to form I won.
Staff gatherings are always a bit odd. This group is no exception, except that we are already quite close, having no qualms about razzing each other. I made the comment a few nights ago, at the after orientation social in which the first round was funded by the aforementioned principal, that every group has it's cliques. However in this group, I never seemed to know who I was going to find myself talking to next. I'm making friends with people I originally didn't think would I have anything in common with. (I'm usually so good at stereotyping people too)
As for my classroom, I will be returning this weekend for some final touches, of course only after I head to the nearest teacher supply store and pick up some more supplies. I have a feeling I should get the frequent buyer club cards.... my work is never done.
I am quite exhausted and anticipating, and fearing Monday, however I will leave you with these words of wisdom that were given to me:
"Treat your first day, heck your first week, like the first day of summer camp... we'll fit in the academics later."
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