I'm going to try to keep this short and sweet...
I'm tired.
I have chairs now, and after a brief potential fiasco involving those nasty desks from our childhood that came with chairs attached, I have re-secured my hand-me-down, rickety, gum covered desks. I also managed to "borrow" my other grade level teacher's syllabus and schedule for week one. Still have no books, or a room key, but at least there is progress.
And even though they aren't likely to ever read, or know the existence of this blog I want to give a shout out to the maintence crew at school. The two gentlemen have been invaluable and have gone out of their way for me. I am most enthusiastically grateful.
There is much more to say but my brain is fried and my eyelids have thier own agenda. This blog comes during my first and only time I've had all day to sit and reflect.
The habit of late night posting is an occurance I am not happy about. According to the clock I have just under 8 hours until I need to get up and do it all over again... But as a teacher reminded me today: this is a job I chose and I'm happy to be doing it. As tired as I am, I am in a place and time where I have no desire to be anywhere else. (Except maybe a nice beach resort)
Good Night!
So thaaaaat's why you need GS cookies. Bribes. I forgot to bring the box home with me tonight but I will make sure to connect with you sometime this weekend and I'll throw some more cookies in the box for you. :)